закрылся или поломался. А было так приятно созерцать го-игроков на карте мира и их плотность! Надеюсь они просто решили интегрироваться в социальную го-сеть.
Вот что пишут на
Note: the domain seems to have lapsed as of 4/26/12, picked up by one of those scumbags that takes them up as soon as they're available. Who knows if they'll pay the ransom to buy it back... Sad day. :(
Igolocal is a Physical Go Server, Location service and Scheduling system by Chuck Thomas in 2010. The system makes heavy use of the Google Maps API with a phpBB backend, and lots of custom PHP and javascript.
Вот что пишут на
Note: the domain seems to have lapsed as of 4/26/12, picked up by one of those scumbags that takes them up as soon as they're available. Who knows if they'll pay the ransom to buy it back... Sad day. :(
Igolocal is a Physical Go Server, Location service and Scheduling system by Chuck Thomas in 2010. The system makes heavy use of the Google Maps API with a phpBB backend, and lots of custom PHP and javascript.
Ну что ж, мы будем скучать и ждать возвращения :)